Earlier this month, we asked you to share some of the coolest places you’ve taken your tote to. Thank you for your responses, we really enjoyed reading through them....
Microloan Stories
Sao from Vietnam
This loan helps Sao buy piglets and food for pigs. Her Story Sao is a married woman living in a mountainous village in Vietnam. She...
Kadiatou from Mali
This loan helps Kadiatou buy more merchandise for her business and to help her children thrive. Her Story Kadiatou is holding samples of her merchandise...
Claire from the Philippines
A loan helped to buy items to sell in her store. Claire's story Claire,31, is single with two children. Claire has a general store in...
Wilber from Nicaragua
A loan helped to buy fortified feed, vitamins, and 100 small chickens to raise and sell. Wilber Antonio's story Wilber and his wife embarked on...
Jesusa from the Philippines
A loan helped to buy additional boxes of fish to sell. Jesusa's story Jesusa is 46 years old and married with seven children. She has...
Leonora From the Philippines
A loan helped to purchase fertilizers and other farming supplies. Leonora's story Leonora works hard to support her family. She is a married woman and...
Wilson Armando - Ecuador
Animal Sales A loan helped to buy sheep, balanced feed, vitamins and deworming. Wilson Armando's story Wilson is a honest and hard-working man. He lives...
Silva - Kenya
Grocery Store A loan helped to buy more vegetables to boost her business. Silva's story Silva is happily married and has been blessed with two...
Phyllis - Kenya
Farming A loan helped to purchase farm inputs, such as hybrid seeds and fertilizer, and pay for hired labor, so this single mom can ensure...